Strategic Advice and Executive Coaching for Legal Businesses
Time to set a direction
Strategic Advice and Executive Coaching for Legal Businesses
Time to set a direction
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Time to set a direction
Time to set a direction
My name is Axel Koelsch. For the past 25 years, I have helped law firms and other professional services businesses set out ambitious strategies - and implement them.
Inflexion Point is the vehicle through which I provide consulting and coaching services. Talk to me today about how we can support your growth, in business and as an individual.
The Inflection Point is the moment when significant change occurs, a turning point. Mathematically, its the change in the second derivative; therefore, it may not be immediately manifest itself strongly outwardly. At the same time, a process of change is put in motion, that will radically change the direction of travel.
That to me is what good strategy is all about - clarity of a goal and the ongoing steps to achieve it through consistency of effort.
Depending on your needs as a business leader, my engagement takes different shapes.
A consultant will provide an answer to a question that you set. A coach asks the questions that help you discover your own answer. My clients in both consulting and coaching observe that the questions, experience and frameworks I bring to the table help them achieve the clarity and focus they seek.